
Responsible Sourcing

Responsible Sourcing

Responsible Sourcing

Our Strategy

From the conception of our brand “doing the right thing” has been important to our team and customers. We believe it is the responsibility of every individual to be a good citizen, and while being a small player in a global market can at times be daunting, we believe our impact on human rights and the planet can be just as significant as larger operations and that we can all make a difference.

Beyond our Code of Conduct we have a zero tolerance position around bonded labour which unfortunately is inherent in some sourcing countries. We have also revisited our Child Labour Remediation protocol and worked to reduce the risk and vulnerabilities of women in the apparel supply chain, particularly in the lower tiers.

In 2018 we joined the amfori BSCI initiative, which incorporates all of our Code of Conduct including environmental sustainability. Through joining this program, we will be in a better position to support our suppliers with tried and tested training programs and we will have access to word class standards and tools to improve our own processes of supply chain mapping, monitoring, and remediation.
For a small New Zealand business, the opportunity to tap into a network of international like-minded brands will be invaluable in terms of shared learnings, experiences and increased leverage with suppliers. In addition, we understand that success in addressing the more complex issues involved with Modern Slavery cannot be achieved independently and therefore a collaborative approach is essential in developing solutions. Joining amfori we believe is an important step towards this, and we are the first New Zealand business to do so.
Environmental degradation is another major issue, creating unhealthy living conditions in already struggling countries, polluting once clean countries and sending the planet into a climate crisis. We at AS Colour acknowledge our footprint and the industry that we are a part of. We are committed to reducing our impact on the planet, seeking outside expertise and continuously improving our actions. Our suppliers understand the importance of best practice and will continue to work with us, to lessen their footprint.

Supply Chain transparency continues to be a priority and this year we have made significant progress, achieving 100% transparency of our fabric sources and 95% transparency of yarn sources and raw cotton agents. Further work needs to be done regarding building direct relationships with these tiers, which is ultimately necessary to achieve full transparency of our cotton farmers. However, this is becoming closer to reality with conversations initiated with our Australian Cotton Shippers Association, BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) and growth of our Organic Cotton Program.

We acknowledge we still have much to do and a lot to learn. Training and raising awareness is a vital part of our strategy as well as communicating with the broader team and our customers who are encouraged to bring ideas and challenge us moving forward.

Our Strategy

From the conception of our brand “doing the right thing” has been important to our team and customers. We believe it is the responsibility of every individual to be a good citizen, and while being a small player in a global market can at times be daunting, we believe our impact on human rights can be just as significant as larger operations and that we can all make a difference.

For this reason, we are continuously developing our Responsible Sourcing Strategy and this year have made some amendments to our Code of Conduct to reinforce our zero tolerance position around bonded labour which unfortunately is inherent in some sourcing countries. We have also revisited our Child Labour Remediation protocol and worked to reduce the risk and vulnerabilities of women in the apparel supply chain, particularly in the lower tiers. We have employed an experienced Ethical Sourcing specialist to shape and prioritise our strategy, to train and guide us through the more complex issues and importantly to drive the momentum.

In 2018 we decided to join the Amfori BSCI initiative, which incorporates all of our Code of Conduct including environmental sustainability. Through joining this program, we will be in a better position to support our suppliers with tried and tested training programs and we will have access to word class standards and tools to improve our own processes of supply chain mapping, monitoring, and remediation.
For a small New Zealand business, the opportunity to tap into a network of international like-minded brands will be invaluable in terms of shared learnings, experiences and increased leverage with suppliers. In addition, we understand that success in addressing the more complex issues involved with Modern Slavery cannot be achieved independently and therefore a collaborative approach is essential in developing solutions. Joining Amfori we believe is an important step towards this, and we are the first New Zealand business to do so.

Supply Chain transparency continues to be a priority and this year we have made significant progress, achieving 100% transparency of our fabric sources and 95% transparency of yarn sources and raw cotton agents. Further work needs to be done regarding building direct relationships with these tiers, which is ultimately necessary to achieve full transparency of our cotton farmers. However, this is becoming closer to reality with conversations initiated with our Australian Cotton Shippers Association, BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) and growth of our Organic Cotton Program.

While this year has been an important one for fast-tracking our Responsible Sourcing Program, we acknowledge we still have much to do and a lot to learn. Training and raising awareness is a vital part of our strategy as well as communicating with the broader team and our customers who are encouraged to bring ideas and challenge us moving forward.

Modern Slavery Statement

AS Colour recognises that with approximately 9 million people entering into slavery each year, the efforts to tackle such a complex issue will require continuous improvement, collaboration and collective responsibility to bring it to an end.

We continue to explore and evaluate better ways of working and seek out global partners who can help us create greater leverage to create positive change within the fashion industry.

We are pleased to publish the AS Colour 2023 Modern Slavery Statement and commit to continuing to monitor and publicly report on our progress.

AS Colour recognises that with approximately 9 million people entering into slavery each year, the efforts to tackle such a complex issue will require continuous improvement, collaboration and collective responsibility to bring it to an end.

We continue to explore and evaluate better ways of working and seek out global partners who can help us create greater leverage to create positive change within the fashion industry.

We are pleased to publish the AS Colour 2023 Modern Slavery Statement and commit to continuing to monitor and publicly report on our progress.